Algebra Solver Intermediate Algebra Help
Elementary Algebra Made Easy Help Software
Algebra Equation Formula Made Easy
Algebra Formula Help Software
Algebra Solver Formula

Frequently Asked Questions

We will post questions frequently asked by AlgebraSolver users on this page. There are very few right now, as we have released abrand new version of the software

Entering your equations, inequalities and expressions:

Q. I want to enter "a squared + b", but "b" seems to be stuck in the exponent. What do I do?

A In order to "exit" the exponent, press the right arrow key. Then you can type b. The same applies to exiting denominators, radical expressions etc.

Q. I have old version of Algebra Solver. What are the advantages of getting the newest (2006) release?

A Apart from much nicer user interface, now you can solve systems with 3 equations, absolute value equations and expressions, graph arbitrary functions, find function domain, range and inverse, and solve many other college algebra level problems. Also, wizard interface enables you to enter problems such as " given a line and a point, find a perpendicular line passing through the point"



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